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    胶粘剂和和密封剂包括各种各样的产品和应用。胶粘剂可包括各种化学物质(丙烯酸、环氧树脂、脲类等)的压力敏感(PSA)或固化产品(热固性、UV/EB;湿气或化学固化),可以是1(1 K)或2(2 K)种组件品种。形式包括长久和可移动/可拆卸的产品中胶水、胶带、薄膜、填料,跨越汽车、建筑和施工材料、标志和标签、纺织品、包装等各行业。


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    实验室的紫外耐候老化测试标准和方法使用荧光紫外冷凝老化仪UVTestxenon arc氙灯老化仪。SUNTEST氙灯老化仪可用于特定研究目的。使用这些仪器的测试服务也可以在Atlas的商业实验室中进行。


    户外静态自然老化暴露通常也可在基准曝晒站点进行,如Atlas在佛罗里达州迈阿密的South Florida Test Service和靠近亚利桑那州凤凰城的DSET Laboratories或其他测试站点。密封剂和粘合剂经常在客户提供的装置中受到挤压或拉伸应力的影响,以便更好地模拟终端使用条件,或者按照终端使用情况曝晒完整的产品(如门窗系统)。此外,Atlas还拥有各种户外加速老化技术,如用于研究和产品开发的太阳跟踪和日光聚光EMMA/EMMAQUA设备。
  • 测试标准 +

    Key applicable standards (partial listing) include:
    • ASTM C732 -06 Standard Test Method for Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Latex Sealants
    • ASTM C793 -05 Standard Test Method for Effects of Laboratory Accelerated Weathering on Elastomeric Joint Sealants
    • ASTM C1257 -06a Standard Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Solvent-Release-Type Sealants
    • ASTM C1501 -04 Standard Test Method for Color Stability of Building Construction Sealants as Determined by Laboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures
    • ASTM C1442 -06 Standard Practice for Conducting Tests on Sealants Using Artificial Weathering Apparatus
    • ASTM C1519 – 04 Standard Practice for Evaluating Durability of Building Construction Sealants by Laboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures
    • ISO 11431 Building construction — Jointing products — Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after exposure to heat, water and artificial light through glass
    • ISO 11617, Buildings and civil engineering works — Sealants — Determination of changes in cohesion and appearance of elastic weatherproofing sealants after exposure of statically cured specimens to artificial weathering and mechanical cycling
    • ISO 11528 Buildings and civil engineering works — Sealants — Determination of crazing and cracking following exposure to artificial or natural weathering
    • ISO 19862 Buildings and civil engineering works -- Sealants -- Durability to extension compression cycling under accelerated weathering
    • RILEM Technical Recommendation TC 139-DBS: Durability of Building Sealants, “Durability test method — Determination of changes in adhesion, cohesion and appearance of elastic weatherproofing sealants for high movement façade joints after exposure to artificial weathering”. Mater. Struct. 2001, 34 (December) pp. 579–588
    • RILEM Technical Recommendation TC 190-SBJ: Service-life prediction of sealed building and construction joints, “Durability test method — Determination of changes in adhesion, cohesion and appearance of elastic weatherproofing sealants after exposure of statically cured specimens to artificial weathering and mechanical cycling”. Mater. Struct. 2008 November, 41 (9) pp. 1497–1508
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